Thursday, June 15, 2023

Day 31: One Month Old

 How? How has time passed so quickly? How has it been a month since Ida joined us?


 Raise your hand if you're one month old!

I spent a good portion of the night asleep in the recliner with Ida on my lap. She's been sniffly and fussy for the last few days.

This morning was weird-- Jen was in art classes again, and I was with Ida. Sabrina texted us saying there had been a gas leak scare and evacuation at her school. They discovered it was a leaky sewer and sent everyone back, but Sabrina was too worked up to go back. We had a long text exchange. She presented some solid reasons why she should go home, and I presented some solid reasons why she should remain at school. (for those following along at home, this is 3/3 days this week Sabrina has come home early). Concern for Sabrina won out, and we went to get her on our way to a doctor appointment for Ida. (side note: we could hardly get Edgar out of bed this morning. Edgar was supposed to go to middle school for a single Pottery class, but because of the Sabrina chaos, Edgar opted to stay home.

The doctor gave Ida a clean bill of health, but she hasn't grown much. She needs to eat more. So, that's the plan. No letting her doze off mid-meal.

This afternoon was nicely lazy. Jen and Ida both napped most afternoon, so I got some good quality time with the older 3 and the hammock.

Not much going on. Played some SNES and read some book. Freezer pizza for dinner. Tomorrow is the last day of school.


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