Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 6 -- Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Yay! We got the first of our pictures back from Danita.  She's so adorable, and isn't that just our family?

Okay, what was today?

Oh yeah. I got up early and started laundry, and went to work. Yes, I went to work. I had a meeting scheduled that I was supposed to lead, and my co-worker who was going to be my backup should the baby have come on-time or early begged me to show up if I could. So, I did. Too bad they rescheduled the meeting for Friday. They sent me an email, but I haven't been able to access my work email from home, and quite honestly, I haven't tried too hard. Guess who doesn't care enough to make it to work again tomorrow? Yeah.

The rest of the day was spent with my new addiction to Super Mario Wii. I've discovered that if you hand Edgar a controller, he's happy, regardless of if his controller works. So, I spent hours. I played late morning, I played all of Edgar's nap time. I played after nap. I played into the evening. It's a good thing that I have an understanding wife who bought me the Wii for christmas, and a newborn that's pretty easy so that my wife can split her attention with the toddler.

Yeah, I think I overdid it a bit, but I haven't abused my wife's kindnesses just yet.

We had a few visitors to see the baby. We had dinner brought in from someone in our church congregation. (that's always appreciated. I'm a lousy cook-- okay, not a lousy cook... I'm a great cook when I'm inspired, and today, all I want to do is play nintendo)

Spent a bit of the evening setting up a new wireless network in our house. Wireless so now we can stream movies on... you guessed it... the Wii!

Over the last two nights, Jen and I watched Coal Miner's Daughter, which was an okay movie, but it's made the voice in my head say everything that I read or write in a Kaintuck Holler accent.

Jen and I stayed up way too late playing super mario wii, so it was a wii-tastic day.

Sabrina is getting used to life outside. She puked all over me this evening, but other than that, we get along fine. Her umbilical cord fell off last night, so I guess she's offically here.

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