Day 5 --
I think that Cabin Fever is setting in here. Apparently, we haven't gotten out enough. We're having a problem I never anticipated -- too many parents at home. Jen and I have conflicting ideas as to what each other should be doing to keep our kids happy and sane, and as a result, we're driving each other up the wall.
Took Edgar to play-group and sat around and socialized with all the other stay-at-home-moms. Actually, it was quite pleasant. The basic concept of play-group is that a bunch of stay-at-home moms get together, ignore their kids en masse, and gossip. To be honest, I had fun. Now, was that the most productive use of our time? Probably not. Did our kids get a lot out of it? I guess... but it was pretty enjoyable on a morning where we didn't have anything else going on.
We struggled with Edgar over nap time today -- we set him in a new routine that doesn't technically involve mommy-snuggles at the end, but it kind of involves mommy-snuggles...? (it's complicated, don't ask). Edgar took a decent nap -- one hour (which I spent playing Wii), and then asked really nicely for mommy-snuggles, and that ended up with mommy, edgar, and daddy all pretty cheezed at one another. Good thing baby Gonzo slept through the whole thing. I sure don't know how this is going to end up, but I'm not looking forward to the process.
Anyway-- new adventures in parenting, right now I've got a potty-training neighbor over with no pants on. He's playing in our bedroom and on our recliner, and I'm praying that he recognizes when he has to go, because I get the impression he has more accidents than not. It's like having a loaded gun held over the furniture... Oh well.. breathe... let it go... embrace domesticity...
We had nice visitors that brought dinner, dessert, and mad 'tendo skills. Still, something about being trapped inside with super-needy kids together has Jen and I under each other's feet. I sure hope we figure out how to fix this.
Meanwhile, Sabrina gets cuter and cuter. Had a rougher night last night than we've had, but she's nothing compared to Edgar's colickyness (colickihood?). Again, I'm doing the holding-baby-one-handed-typing, but she's looking for food that I can't provide her.
And now, for your listening enjoyment, the song that was playing when Sabrina was born:
Dirty Three - I Offered It Up to the Stars and the Night Sky
And as a bonus, the song that was playing when Edgar was born:
Death Cab for Cutie - Death of an Interior Decorator (youtube)/(mp3)
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