Thursday, September 29, 2016

Day 18: Kid Writing

 Aww, what a cutie. That's what we're doing this for, right? Right.

Okay. Had a better morning with the kids this morning. They actually got all the stuff done they needed to. They're good kids. I like them.

Once the kids were away at school, I did the grocery shopping. I sure feel like Mr. Mom puttering around the grocery store at 10 AM with blue hair. It's awesome.

 Got home and put the groceries away, and convinced my lady to play a board game with me. Then, we had some lunch and watched the final episode of Bosch. Then, we both fell asleep on different sides of the sectional (with Betty sleeping on Jen). That was lovely. I woke up after the kids were home and doing homework with Jen.

Jen has taken an active role with the kids and their homework. This is great, because I don't think I have the mental focus (nor the tutor's patience) to work through the kids' homework with them.

I do want to show you, however, how awesome they are.

(for those of you without kids, or older than I am, there's this new emphasis in the schools -- they get the kids just writing. They don't correct all the spelling errors-- those will fix themselves. Instead, they encourage the kids to expand their vocabulary and try their best to sound out stuff. I like it. It produces cute results.)

First, Edgar.

Translation: I can be a bucket-filler by talking to new people in school.  "Do you want to be my friend?"  (new person) ... (still new) "My name is..."

Actual text: "I can be a bucket filer by tacking to new qeal in shcool. "do you want to dy my frien." (new qrsin) ...(still new) "my name is"

Edgar's such a sweetheart. He's super literate, too. Just a few of those p vs q situations.

Sabrina, on the other hand, is on the verge of actually reading and writing. She sounds things out super well.

I found this on my desk this week. Apparently, they had a snack menu sometime when I wasn't around:


Crackers and Tuna Fish

Actual text:


This afternoon, Sabrina had us meet her stuffed animal "Princess Glamour", and handed out pictures to Jen and I, and then asked us to ask Princess Glamour to autograph them. She also asked us what our names were, but she was unsatisfied with our first few guesses. She settled on Rosalina and Steve. This is the result:


Translation: "From Princess Glamour. Wrote this for Steve"


Jen's is the same, but in mirror image:

Translation: "Princess Glamour. For Rosalina"


Man, that's cute. One of these days, she's going to surprise us all and read a novel or two.

Ages ago, Jen picked up a book on kids learning to write, and it had all sorts of these backwards letters. Apparently, writing in mirror image is a very common way kids explore words and how to use them. Somewhere I have one of Jen's old drawings with a funny little self-portrait on them that says "Lenny" [Jenny]. I'm going to try to dig it up as it's one of our favorites. We actually have it framed.

Anyway, after our adventures with Princess Glamour, the kids played, and I managed to (while Jen was holding baby), simultaneously reheat dinner, talk on the phone to Glenn and give business advice, and install a new CD player in the living room. Yes, our old CD player kicked the bucket, and nobody listens to CDs anymore. Well, except us. We tried buying used, but apparently CD player lasers have a finite life, and I couldn't find anything that worked very well, so we bit the bullet and bought a new one. it's a good thing,.

Watched a few episodes of Star Wars Rebels with the kids, and then bedtime.And that's the end, at least for today.

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