Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Day 9: Dad Palindrome Dad

More of the same midnight hijinx last night.


Oh-- I need to tell you a story from yesterday. Betty our Kindergartner was home, doing chores (or at least what chores she would agree to-- see yesterday's story.). She was dusting the library (yes, we have a library. That's another long story for another time), which is near the front door. Betty came running to me, freaked out: "I think there's a ghost in our house!" I asked Betty to explain... "When I was working in the library, I heard a knocking sound." "Uhh, did you check the door? That's where most knocking sounds come from." Checked outside our front door, and sure enough, there was a new package there. "Betty, that wasn't a ghost. It was the mailman. See how they delivered a package?" "No, I'm pretty sure that was a ghost. I think the ghost made the mailman run away."


So, telling you that story lets me tell you this: I have a fun new shirt and a fun new record today:

The shirt is this cryptic thing...


...that only big fans of this record would get:

...and the record is a picture disc with this cool zoetrope thing on the B-side:

Today Betty was home sick from kindergarten, which is disappointing, and I'm not sure which is worse-- watching spongebob all day and refusing to leave the couch, or the obnoxious chores help she had yesterday. I'm apparently losing my patience and charity towards this sweet 6-year-old. I remember being equally vexed with her sister at this age. Now Sabrina and I are great friends, so I hope I can be kinder to Betty, and eventually recover my relationship with her as well.

Jen and I had our feeding/sleep cycle go well into the morning. If I haven't blogged enough about this, the typical feeding cycle goes like this:

    1) Ida cries and wakes up

    2) Dad stumbles downstairs and gets some breastmilk out of the fridge and attempts to heat it.

    3) Jen spends between 5 and 15 minutes attempting to breastfeed Ida.

    4) Jen passes Ida over to Alex. Typically at this point Jen turns on Cobra Kai.

    5) Alex feeds a bottle to Ida. Ida snoozes but usually takes all or mostly all of the bottle.

    6) Jen runs the breastpump.

    7) Ida falls asleep. Alex burps her, then changes her diaper (which wakes her up), 

    8) Alex burps/snuggles Ida back to sleep again

    9) The Cobra Kai episode ends. Alex lays Ida back in her bassinet, and Jen provides a full bag of milk.

    10) Alex takes the milk downstairs to the fridge while Jen washes out the breastpump apparatus

    11) All 3 of us crash for 2 hours until the cycle starts again.

This bag of milk's name is Shirley.

Later today, once we had all woken up, Jen and I took a walk for the first time. We went less than a block, but it was good to get out in the sunlight.

We stopped by our elderly neighbors and let them hold the baby:

Sweet baby; Ray.

Dinner was once again donated (Thanks! we are so blessed!). I forgot to take Edgar to his pottery class at the middle school this afternoon. Then I forgot to take Sabrina to her Young Womens service project. I am a dad failure.

I held baby while Jen got the girls to bed tonight (I like that plan!) Then, we watched Women Talking. (could you be more specific?). It was a looooong movie that was basically just... women talking... The borderline-inappropriate jokes just write themselves. It gave a lot to think about, although it was a pretty heavy-handed allegory of the patriarchy and rape culture. I'm sure that I should be ashamed of my gender right now or something... Basically, there's nothing I can say about this movie that won't get me punched, so I'm gonna shut up now.

I put off work and blogging entirely too long, so now it's WAY too late at night, and I have a work meeting in the morning. Boo.

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